Wireless Security

Simple test: Make sure when you connect a new device to your WiFi that are have to enter in a password. That way you know that the wireless is secure (there is many more steps to you can take to “harden” up the security, but that is the most basic...

Website Design

When you are looking to hire a web designer to build your company’s website, you are wanting to find the best option for your money; a good designer working for a good price to get you a good website. However, don’t be afraid to pay good money for your website; a lot...

Beware of Email Spam

Because of all the bruhaha in our world today, be careful about scams coming through your email. I imagine that phishers will be out in force to try to scam as many people as they can during this pandemic. My “spidee-sense” goes up when I see misspellings,...